Child Custody

In situations involving child custody, the child is always foremost in our mind. Having personally experienced the divorce process, we bring a unique perspective and understanding of the difficulties and emotions involved and the importance of protecting the child from high conflict situations.

Under the law, custody is divided into both legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody involves the parents’ rights to make decisions regarding the children’s health, education and welfare. Legal custody can be granted jointly to both parents, or in certain situations solely to one parent. Physical custody can also be granted to either one or both parents. Joint physical custody means that both parents spend time with the child. A parenting plan may be established to schedule certain percentages of time with each parent. The general presumption in California is that each parent should have an equal timeshare; however, there are many factors which can affect the timeshare. We try to “think outside the box” and help our clients determine the best schedule to accommodate their children’s wants and needs.


Child Support

It is each parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children are properly taken care of whether the parents have been married or not. In California, child support is based on a formula which takes into account a variety of factors, primarily the percentage of time spent with each parent and each parent’s income or earning ability. This requires that each party disclose their financial resources. We will work with our clients to be sure that this process results in a fair support order

If you are facing any family law issues, please contact our office to make an initial consultation appointment. With an office in Simi Valley, we can provide services in Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties.

If you would like to set up a consultation, please fill out the questionnaire below and we would be happy to contact you to schedule an appointment.

Family Law Questionnaire

    Are you a Hyatt Legal Plan member? (required) YesNo

    If yes, please provide your Hyatt Plan information below:

    Hyatt Member Number Hyatt Case Number

    Type of Case (check all that apply): DivorceSpousal SupportChild CustodyChild SupportDomestic Violence Restraining OrderPre/Post-Marital Agreement

    Do you have an existing case? YesNo

    If yes, what county is your case in?

    What is your case number?

    Appointment Time Preference: MorningAfternoon